Journey Through the Experiential Program: From West Coast Tech Immersion to NYC Insights

Author: Sushmita is a current MBA student at Stern, specializing in Product Management, Strategy, Leadership, and Change Management. Prior to Stern, she worked as a Machine Learning Engineer at JP Morgan Chase and in the technology sector. Post-MBA, she plans to pursue Product Management in the tech industry with a focus on AI/ML. At Stern, Sushmita is actively involved in the Stern Technology Association, Student Government, FinTech Association, South Asian Business Association Society, and Entertainment Media and Sports Association.

Susmitha Pandula Headshot

The NYU Tech MBA program offers three experiential learning programs each semester: NYC Immersion in the summer, Tech Solutions in the fall, and West Coast Immersion in the winter.

These programs are an essential part of the curriculum, each designed with its own suite of experiential learning opportunities to immerse students in the tech industry and solve real-world problems.

Throughout my journey in the Experiential courses, I’ve had the privilege of engaging with innovative companies, tackling real-world challenges, and expanding my network across the vibrant tech scenes of both the West Coast and NYC. It has been an incredible learning experience that has enabled me to enhance my skills, gain invaluable insights, face challenges head-on, and discover new aspects of myself both personally and professionally. 

Join me as I share my personal account of this transformative journey, from the excitement of the West Coast Tech Immersion to the unique opportunities and learnings gained in the heart of NYC’s tech scene.

Uber office visit during Summer
Uber office visit during Summer

During the NYC Immersion, our close-knit cohort of 51 was divided into two groups: one group worked with Salesforce, while the other collaborated with Sprinklr. Both groups focused on creating solutions to solve common issues in the customer relationship management industry. I had the opportunity to work with Sprinklr. This experience highlighted the importance of a consultative approach in the CXM industry.  It provided me with a deeper understanding of the CXM landscape and the strategies employed by leading companies like Sprinklr to drive success for their clients.

Tech Solutions – Fall

Group presentation photo
My group presented the final presentation at BNY Mellon New York office

In the fall semester, I gained firsthand experience working within New York City’s diverse community, including my classmates, who brought diverse professional backgrounds to the table. Working with BNY Mellon in the Tech Solutions course was one of my favorite experiences. Every discussion and checkpoint was a learning curve, not only on the business-technology case we were working with but also on collaborating with diverse technology stakeholders. During the project, I had the opportunity to transform user insights into actionable specs, lead weekly cross-functional meetings to integrate go-to-market technologies across engineering, design, and sales teams, present to senior leadership, and benchmark product market demand. Collaborating with a Product team in the New York office and a tech team in India was an eye-opening experience. It was incredibly rewarding to see the tech team implement our solution. I gained invaluable insights into real-world applications of business and technology. It emphasized the significance of understanding and addressing the unique needs of different stakeholders within an organization to develop and implement effective technology solutions. Whether you plan to work internationally or stay in the United States, these courses ensure your readiness for any professional environment.

West Coast Immersion – Winter

The West Coast Immersion was one of my best memories of the entire MBA experience.

Group photo at Microsoft Headquarters
With Jeff Teper at Microsoft Headquarters – Seattle
Group photo at The Spheres
The Spheres – part of the Amazon headquarters campus in Seattle


One of the most memorable sessions of the entire trip was the one at Microsoft, which provided us with an immersive experience of the Future of Work. Jeff Teper, President of Microsoft 365 Collaborative Apps and Platforms, showcased new features and enhancements for Copilot in Microsoft 365. He guided us through the future workplace at the Microsoft 365 Community, where innovation meets practical application. This pivotal session left us eager to advance our skills in today’s AI-driven work environment. Teper covered the latest developments in Microsoft 365, Copilot, Teams, Viva, and more, offering unparalleled learning, professional development, and networking opportunities. He shared how Microsoft is preparing to transform our approach to work and harness the capabilities of AI at the most anticipated Microsoft community event of the year. The session inspired us to level up and embrace the exciting future ahead!

San Francisco

Tech MBA Cohort at Linkedin Office
Our entire Tech MBA Cohort at Linkedin Office in San Francisco

After an intensive week in Seattle visiting major tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, T-Mobile, and DirectTV, our cohort reunited in San Francisco for another week of company visits. We enjoyed a relaxing weekend exploring the Bay Area and a wine-tasting tour in Napa before diving into a busy schedule featuring visits to Salesforce, Saildrone, Upside Foods, AirBnB, 500 Global, NVIDIA, LinkedIn, and Palantir.

Two of the most memorable visits for me were to NVIDIA and Airbnb. At NVIDIA, I was impressed by the company’s thoughtfully designed campus and the passion and high standards of its employees. Rama Akkiraju, VP for AI for IT, provided in-depth insights into the practical use cases of AI and its role in driving growth at NVIDIA. This experience gave me a deeper understanding of how AI can be leveraged to transform businesses and drive innovation.

At Airbnb, I was rejuvenated by the company’s well-designed building and inspired by the thoughtful and precise approach to work demonstrated by Judson Coplan, VP Product Marketing, and Iain Robert, VP People and Culture. Their insights into creating a strong company culture and delivering exceptional user experiences left a lasting impact on me.

Throughout the trip, professors Melissa Schilling and Vasant Dhar led insightful lectures and discussions on the role of technology in transforming industries and how companies can optimize their positioning. These sessions provided me with a strategic framework to analyze the tech industry and make informed predictions about its future. The trip ended with an intimate talk by Stern alumni and CEO of Calm, David Ko, who provided valuable perspective on career journeys and the importance of being thoughtful about the next step, especially during a time of layoffs in the tech industry. His words of wisdom resonated with me and reinforced the importance of making deliberate career choices aligned with my goals and values.

Through the West Coast Immersion, I learned about the practical use cases of AI, the importance of thoughtful design and high standards, and the role of technology in transforming industries.

NYC vs. West Coast: A Tale of Two Tech Hubs

Having experienced both the New York City and West Coast tech scenes through the NYU Stern Tech MBA program, I can confidently say that each location has its own unique charm and offerings.
New York City, the bustling metropolis, is known for its fast-pace. The city’s tech scene is heavily influenced by industries such as finance, media, and fashion, which results in a focus on leveraging technology to drive innovation and efficiency in these sectors. NYC is home to a diverse range of tech companies, from established giants like Google and Amazon to up-and-coming startups in fintech, adtech, and e-commerce.

In contrast, the West Coast, particularly Silicon Valley, has a more laid-back vibe that fosters a culture of innovation and risk-taking. The region is synonymous with tech giants like Apple, Facebook, and Google, as well as countless startups hoping to become the next big thing. The West Coast tech scene is known for its focus on cutting-edge technologies such as AI, machine learning, and virtual reality, as well as its strong emphasis on entrepreneurship and venture capital.

Group photo of Tech MBA Class of 2024
My People – Tech MBA Class of 2024
Group photo at West Coast Immersion
Memorable visit during our West Coast Immersion

A Week In The Life Of A Tech MBA Student (Summer Semester)

Scott Dunleavy




Scott is a current Tech MBA student from South Brunswick, NJ.  Prior to Stern, Scott worked in technology risk consulting at KPMG. Outside of school, Scott enjoys basketball, golf, cooking, and technology.


The Summer Semester of the Tech MBA program is both a rewarding, and a challenging experience. The semester kicks off with orientation in mid-May, where you have the opportunity to meet your Tech Cohort and familiarize yourself with Stern’s facilities and staff. After a couple days of orientation, you dive right into classes taking 19.5 credits from mid-May to late August. Throughout the Summer you are basically in class Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm – it is truly a full-time job. Here is a week in the life of a Tech MBA student…

Monday –

Like most days in the summer semester, class starts at 9am. My day kicks off with our Leadership class taught by Professor Nate Pettit. This was one of my favorite courses this summer, and from 9am-12pm you explore topics in leadership, communication, authenticity, and experiential learning. Professor Pettit is an incredible lecturer, and a wonderful storyteller. His lectures are top-notch. During lecture class discussion was extremely lively and students often chimed in with stories of leadership (both good and bad) from their career experience. I always find it interesting to hear about my classmate’s pre-Stern careers. After lecture we usually end each class with an ‘experiential’ learning experience. In this class we often learn by doing, simulating various leadership experiences with our classmates. Through improvisation and fun games, we were able to explore leadership topics in real-time and put our lecture material to practice.

After class you have an hour and a half break to take lunch, go to the gym, do homework, hang out with friends at the park  – the time is truly yours. On this day I brought lunch from home and ate it with friends from the Tech-MBA program at Stern. We used the time to catch up on our weekends, eat lunch, and do some studying before afternoon classes. 

After lunch we packed up our things and headed to Economics, taught by Professor Joe Foudy. Professor Foudy is another great professor, who makes class fun with lots of one liners and clever economics related jokes. Economics, like many courses, began as a general intro to economics and overtime became more technical and complex. Real world examples such as the dollar pizza market in NYC illustrate topics such as price elasticity, and supply & demand to life. 

After Econ I stayed at Stern for a couple of hours to wrap up some homework and catch up on readings assigned for the week. Then I headed home, walking through Washington Square Park to the 9th Street PATH Station where I caught the PATH train back home to Hoboken, New Jersey. 

Tuesday – 

I hopped on the train and made my way to the West Village for 9am class. One of the best parts of my day is walking through Washington Square Park on my way to school. 

washington square park arch












The famous Washington Square Park Arch

On this Tuesday, the Tech MBA Students had a full day session (9am-12pm – Lunch – 1:30-4:30pm) of Databases for Business Analytics with Professor Panos Iperiotis. This class is focused on developing the SQL and database skills necessary for a career in technology, specifically geared towards potential use cases in Tech Product Management. As someone with some SQL experience from undergrad and my time at KPMG, this course was a great refresher for me. Starting with basic SELECT queries, by the end of the semester you are writing complex SQL queries to build meaningful data sets. 

After the morning session I went to the NYU Student Gym which is a couple of blocks from Stern and got a workout in before grabbing a quick bite to eat and heading back to class for the afternoon session. After 3 hours of SQL coding and database discussion it was good to head to the gym to clear my head. In the summer it feels like you have the gym all to yourself because the rest of the students are on summer vacation. 

Wednesday – 

On Wednesdays we have our NYC Tech Immersion class which is our Summer Experiential Learning Experience. The course is designed to give Tech MBA students exposure to the unique and vibrant technology ecosystem in NYC.  This course is built around a semester-long project in which you are paired with a group of Tech MBA students to help real world clients identify a business problem, and propose a solution and go-to-market strategy to solve the problem you’ve identified. My group was assigned to Salesforce, and we worked with them to explore potential Generative AI solutions to improve their current product offerings. This was an awesome experience, and one of the highlights of the summer.

When we weren’t working on our class projects Tech Immersion was filled with Guest Speakers, many of whom are alums who now work in Tech in NYC. We also had the chance to visit companies and get facetime with employees at companies such as Google, Uber, and Goldman Sachs. This Wednesday we visited Google’s NYC HQ in Chelsea and had the unique opportunity to meet with members of the Google Product Design Team. The Google Design team had a presentation prepared for us where we learned about the world of Design, and Product Storytelling at Google. Getting exposure to NYC’s vibrant Tech scene is one of the best parts of the Tech MBA experience!

After class on Wednesday night, I saw a concert (Noah Kahan – one of my favorite artists) at Radio City Music Hall! There is so much to do in NYC. 

Visiting Google HQ

Students at the Google offices









Radio city music hall












Attending Noah Kahan’s concert at radio city music hall

Thursday – 

On Thursday we had another full day of class: Leadership in the morning and Economics in the afternoon. I got to Stern early on Thursday to work on my Econ homework that was due later that afternoon. The summer semester is a rigorous academic experience and I found it best to carve out specific time in my calendar before / after class to work on homework assignments and group projects. After class we had an IGNITE activity led by the Careers Team. In this session we worked in groups and practiced our elevator pitches and behavioral mock interview questions. There are many sessions like this throughout the summer semester, and they are extremely valuable. Tech MBAs and Fashion & Luxury MBAs have the full attention of the Careers Team in the summer, which is such a perk! The Careers Team holds office hours where you can focus on your career path after the MBA, resume review, mock interviews etc. After the session, a couple of my classmates and I headed over to a bar near school to grab a couple of drinks for Happy Hour and hang out before heading home. My favorite spots near Stern to do Happy Hour are Half Pint and Swift Hibernian Lounge, both a couple of blocks from school. 

Friday – 

On Friday my day started out with taking the PATH to 9th Street from Hoboken. From here it is about a 10 minute walk from school and I stopped at a local bagel store for an iced coffee and a bagel for breakfast. We had a half day of class with our Databases for Business Analytics class from 9am-12pm. We spent the morning discussing database design and architecture, and writing SQL queries on a database of all restaurants in NYC to find out which restaurants in NYC had the best ratings per critic reviews. This class is hands-on and technical  – it’s a great experience for students who don’t come from a very technical background. It is challenging, but also very fun when you can build the perfect query. 

After class I went to play basketball at the NYU gym with some of my classmates. The NYU Recreation and Athletic facilities (Paulson Center, and Palladium) are accessible to all MBA students. The basketball courts in the athletic facility are really nice, and generally not crowded in the summer. Playing some hoops was a great way to end my week before heading home for the weekend.

Basketball court at the NYU Recreation and Athletic facilities












Basketball court at the NYU Recreation and Athletic facilities

New York City Immersions

Sofia Aliste Paez










Sofia is a current Tech MBA student, specializing in Product Management. Prior to Stern, she worked at Samsung Electronics as an E-commerce Product Manager. Post-MBA, she plans to pursue Product Management in tech. At Stern, she is involved in Stern Tech Association, the Latin American Business Association, and the Entrepreneurship and Startup Association, and enjoys traveling and discovering new coffee shops in NYC.


Experiences in the NYC Immersion

The NYC Immersion is the only all-summer course in the Tech MBA program. It is built to introduce students to the tech ecosystem in New York City. Throughout the course, we learned from different experts in fields such as fintech, security, ethics, health tech, and real estate, and we even got to learn how to leverage NYU Library Resources for our project research. Overall, it was an experience that gave us a head start on what we will experience as tech advocates in the future.

The Essence of the NYC Immersions

One of our most memorable visits over the summer was our visit to the Uber offices in Manhattan. We learned about different projects involving Stern alumni who are currently working at Uber. Part of the presentation included a challenge related to a potential endeavor or new revenue stream. We worked as a team, using our collaborative skills and creative ideas to devise a solution. The visit encapsulated the essence of the NYC Immersion—bridging the gap between theory and practice, learning and application.

Learning to Use Tech for Good

We had many memorable sessions. One of them was about the future of Finance by Andrew Chang. He was an engaging and thought-provoking speaker who filled in the gaps in our fintech knowledge. By assimilating diverse perspectives on the future, we honed our own viewpoints. Undoubtedly, the prominence of Gen AI dominated many discussions, reflecting the pivotal role it occupies this year and in the years to come. We analyzed the potential uses of this technology and the risks as it becomes mainstream. Addressing the risks of Gen AI was a lecture that was enlightening and reflective, as Mike Posner and Paul Barrett shared the latest research and insights from the Center for Business and Human Rights at NYU Stern. We all have the responsibility to make sure that this technology is used for good. 

Experiential Product Consulting

A substantial part of the summer was dedicated to collaborating with companies as Product Consultant. Grouped into teams, we tackled distinct prompts for different companies. Employing design thinking methodologies, our task was to find core issues within the prompts and create impactful solutions. After several check-ins, we were able to deliver a final project and recommendations. One of the most interesting parts was learning about other teams and their work process during the summer. 

As the NYC Tech Immersion journey comes to an end, we are now more familiar with the tech ecosystem and its inner workings. We are also more confident in our ability to navigate the ever-changing landscape. We will be responsible and ethical advocates for technology, using it to solve problems and improve people’s lives.


Students at Uber Offices during the NYC Tech Immersion

Students at Uber Offices during the NYC Tech Immersion










The Summer Semester in the Tech MBA

Barak is a current Tech MBA student, specializing in Tech Product Management, Leadership, and Change Management. Before Stern, Barak led a team of Product Managers at a FinTech firm in Tel Aviv, Israel where he helped the top financial institutions around the world to provide custom financial insights to their customers. At Stern, he is involved in the FinTech Club as the VP of Alumni Relationships and enjoys organizing pickup basketball games and swimming activities with his classmates.

As a new student in NYU Stern’s Tech MBA program, I recently relocated from Israel to New York in May, accompanied by my wife, our 2-year-old son, and our beloved dog. As I approach the end of my summer semester, I find myself eager to share valuable insights and tips that I’ve gathered throughout this semester. The goal of this post is to help future students and prospects make the most out of their time in the program.

A One-Year Tech-Focused MBA Program

The NYU Tech MBA program is exciting and innovative, lasting from May to May. In just half the time of a traditional two-year program, we achieve a full MBA degree through a unique approach. During the summer semester, we complete the core courses of the first year of the general MBA and seamlessly transition to the second year in the fall. 

Design Sprint Workshop at Google


The Summer Semester: A Sprint to Success

The summer semester is divided into three intensive sprints, each lasting four weeks. Picture this: Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 4:30 PM (with a refreshing lunch break from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM),  dedicated to immersive learning experiences. With 3-4 courses per sprint, we efficiently cover an expansive range of crucial business concepts, successfully completing the 11 core courses within a single semester.

Tailored courses for Tech leaders

As someone who thrives in high-pressure environments, this program has impressed me thoroughly so far. The opportunity to immerse ourselves in numerous fascinating courses in one semester, while also mastering the foundational principles of each subject, is simply extraordinary. The university’s creation of dedicated courses tailored for tech-enthusiastic business leaders ensures we receive precisely what we need. Additionally, the incorporation of pre-work, in-class practices, and post-class assignments and quizzes enriches our learning experience.

Communication Course Final Presentation

A Cohort of Family

The people in this program are its greatest asset. With an intimate group of approximately 50 students in the Tech MBA and 25 students in Fashion and Luxury, ​​the quiet summer campus provides the ideal setting for us to come together and form strong bonds. Collaborating on group projects and rotating through different groups for each class allows us to truly know our classmates on a personal level. We don’t just feel like classmates; we’ve become one big family.

Google Office Visit














A short pencil is better than a long memory

The summer semester can be intense and overwhelming with multiple deadlines, but it’s manageable with the right tools. Stay on top of your game by utilizing effective tools like calendars, to-do lists, and time-blocking techniques. These organizational aids will keep you on track and ensure you never miss a deadline.

Entrepreneurship Course Final Pitch

Prioritize one task at a time

Concentrate on the present importance and avoid getting overwhelmed with future concerns. Trying to handle everything simultaneously leads to accomplishing nothing. Identify high-priority tasks and tackle them first, maintaining control over essential assignments and preventing last-minute rushes.

Embrace the academic opportunities 

Take full advantage of the academic opportunities that the program offers. With captivating classes, experienced industry-proficient professors, and motivated teaching fellows, make the most of these opportunities to learn from some of the best educators in the world. 

Engage in Active Learning 

Take an active role in class discussions, team projects, and case studies, as this will not only enhance your understanding but also enlighten your classmates. The class comprises a diverse group of individuals from various backgrounds, and the beauty lies in how we enrich one another’s learning journey through shared experiences.

Uber Office Visit

Avoid lagging in the material

As classes build upon previous concepts, make it a priority to keep up, and don’t hesitate to seek assistance if needed. Like a snowball effect, staying ahead ensures a smooth progression without overwhelming yourself

Your friends are your best resource

This is always true, but particularly during learning sessions. Embrace the diversity within your cohort to leverage each other’s prior experiences and enhance your understanding of the material. Never hesitate to seek assistance when needed, as everyone is eager to support one another. It’s also a wonderful chance to deepen your connections and get to know each other better.

Multiple Support Options are available

Bear in mind that you have access to various forms of assistance to aid you along the way. If you require help, don’t hesitate to contact the faculty for support. The university offers a range of resources, such as extra office hours with professors or teaching fellows, additional practice sessions, and personalized accommodations, all designed to ensure your academic success.

Sternies Play Basketball in the John A. Paulson Center

If you only get A’s, it means that you’re doing something wrong

This is the thought-provoking statement that one of our professors began his lecture with. While academic excellence is important, a fulfilling graduate degree encompasses more. Invest time in networking, coffee chats, socializing, sports, and other activities that contribute to your overall growth and enriching experience.


This year is too short to do anything other than enjoy the opportunity to live in one of the best cities in the world and embrace every aspect and moment of it!

Entrepreneurship in the Tech MBA with J.P. Eggers

J.P. Eggers is a Professor of Management & Organizations, and the Academic Director of the Tech & Entrepreneurship MBA Program at NYU Stern. His research focuses on how organizations often struggle developing new, innovative products, and how they deal with technological change. Prior to academia, he was a strategy and technology consultant working with large and small companies trying to adapt to digitization. He has a PhD from Wharton, an MBA from Emory, and a BA from Amherst College.

How does the Tech MBA prepare students for entrepreneurship?
We’ve built this program with entrepreneurship at its core, on the assumption that everyone here will want to start a business at some point in their career. From hands-on courses designed around the ecosystems in New York (summer) and the west coast (January), to foundational technology and business courses, to a wealth of electives, the program seeks to strike the right balance for future founders to get them the tools they need, and then get them out building.

What resources are available to Tech MBA students interested in pursuing entrepreneurship?
Within the program itself, you will spend time with founders, funders, and advisors to learn about their perspectives and journeys. You will get access to a growing network of deeply committed alums, many of whom have founded and even exited their businesses. More broadly within Stern, you have full access to the resources in the Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship, which hosts pitch competitions and advising network opportunities. You can also take the Endless Frontier Labs course, helping many of the top funders (VC and corporate) in the world shape brand new science and technology based companies. Beyond Stern, you have access to NYU’s Entrepreneurial Institute and the Leslie eLab just down the block, which give you access to the entirety of NYU and hosts events, meetups, competitions, and advising opportunities.

Do students interested in entrepreneurship typically have a business idea prior to the program, or do they come up with ideas through their coursework?

Our first cohort in 2018 had two students who were founders before they came to Stern. They already had companies they could build while in the program – one student started their company as a side hustle, while another was one earlier in the process. Both built their Tech MBA experience around trying to help build and launch their companies. Subsequent founders, however, have come in at virtually every stage – one had a blog post and nothing else, two created the idea together to enter the Berkley Center’s pitch competition. We’ve even had students who came to Stern after founding and exiting companies, with the idea of building new skills and a new network, and getting back out there.

How have you seen the intimate cohort size benefit students interested in entrepreneurship?
The power of the cohort is incredibly strong. Everyone comes in with a deep interest and background in technology and/or entrepreneurship, so the shared experience provides a perfect foundation. Your cohort could easily include your co-founder, your target customer and focus group participant, your connection to funding, and the subject matter expert who can help you solve that crazy challenge you’ll face in three years. The small cohort size and the intense shared experience, especially in the summer, builds exceptional bonds. Entire cohorts have gone on vacation together, and attended each others’ weddings.

What classes do you recommend future entrepreneurs take in the Tech MBA?
Aspiring founders have many options for electives, including (but not limited to) the Endless Frontier Labs course I mentioned earlier. Many students choose to pursue at least some more “traditional” MBA courses, helping them hone their finance skills and become better leaders. Some courses that are particularly appropriate for entrepreneurship include Entrepreneurial Finance, Managing a High Tech Company: The CEO Perspective, Managing the Growing Company, Technology Innovation Strategy, and Emerging Technologies & Business Innovation, just to name a few.

Can you share some success stories from past Tech MBA students?
It’s tough to limit the success stories to a few, but hopefully I can paint the picture of different entrepreneurial paths our Tech MBAs have during their next chapter. One thing that I’m especially proud of is how entrepreneurial our Tech MBAs are regardless of their role, function or company – they’ve shown that you don’t (necessarily) need to be a founder to create real change and flip a traditional process. We’ve had the opportunity to connect with alums who see themselves as “intrapreneurs” guiding new visions through a company to create real change, as well. In our eyes, both paths –  intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship – are success stories to demonstrate how our strategic curriculum supports new ideas and new ways of thinking during the program and beyond. Alums like Akanksha and Vera are driving innovation efforts at top global companies, whereas Ethan and David joined companies early on to support the launch of the business. We also have a few success stories that fit the more classic entrepreneurial path like Sam and Jeff who have completely chartered their own courses. Entrepreneurship can take many different forms and paths, and we’re proud of our Tech MBAs that are driving positive change no matter the size or scale.

Exploring the Startup Ecosystem in the United States through EFL

Nilesh Ramnani, CFA is a current Tech MBA student, specializing in Strategy, Product Management, and Entrepreneurship. Prior to Stern, Nilesh had his own consulting firm and has also worked in Investment Banking and Private Equity. At Stern, he is a board member of Private Equity and Venture Capital Club; Business Analytics Club; Graduate Marketing Club and Adventure Club and enjoys traveling and exploring different cultures and cuisines.

I was standing in the queue for the most adventurous Velocicoaster ride at Universal Park Orlando during my spring break. I asked my wife – Are you scared? She said, “yes I am, but it will be so much fun! The excitement and a bit of fear makes this adventurous.” Once we were on the Velocicoaster, we were thrown upside down four times and all the moves were unexpected. The start-up world is no different. You just need to find your own balance of facing fear, uncertainty and enjoying the ride. You are pulled in different directions and you need to find your own path. 

Before joining Stern, I had experience working with many startups in India through my own consulting practice. But I wanted to get a deeper dive into the start-up ecosystem in the United States. That’s when I found the Endless Frontier Labs (EFL), taught by Professor Deepak Hegde. The course is a mix of lectures, working with a start-up and also meeting industry experts who mentor the companies in EFL. 

I was paired with OPTT health, a company that is trying to solve some of the biggest challenges in the mental health care space in the US and Canada. We read a lot about telehealth companies trying to make mental health accessible to everyone, but the facts are shocking. 55% of adults (28 million people) in the US with a mental illness do not receive treatment. This is partly because mental health treatment is highly subjective and labor-intensive, and treatment outcomes depend mainly on the skill of the clinician. We need efficiencies in the system to enable doctors to treat more patients and OPTT is trying to do this using a proprietary algorithm to capture and analyze patient data. It plans to transform the treatment of mental health using machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. 

I worked with founders Mohsen Omrani and Ali Omrani on the go to market strategy in the United States market. In our meetings with mentors, we identified a crucial goal: to develop a quantitative model that OPTT Health can use to effectively communicate its value proposition. I mapped out the patient journey and identified areas where OPTT can create value that could be quantified. Based on these findings, I developed a financial model to calculate the return on investment (ROI) for potential customers. OPTT plans to use this model to determine a suitable pricing strategy for the company, ensuring that the value they offer is commensurate with the price. My work will be used to communicate the value to all the stakeholders including customers, investors and partners.

Through EFL, I also learned a lot about other startups. We had multiple group sessions where we discussed the issues faced by EFL startups and brainstormed ideas to solve these problems. EFL provides a platform for students, mentors, and the EFL team, to discuss the problems startups are facing.

I think the EFL course gave me exactly what I was looking for. I got a flavor of the startup ecosystem in the United States and also learned frameworks to solve problems faced by startups.

Career Resources & Recruiting

Zoish Pithawala is a current Tech MBA student, specializing in Tech Product Management. Prior to Stern, Zoish worked as a Solutions Architect focused on startups interested in using cloud technologies. Post-MBA, she plans to move into a technical product management role specifically focused on data analytics. 



When I quit my job to go back to school, I was left a little nervous wondering what recruiting for a new role would be like. With the Tech MBA kicking off in May, it felt like there was barely any time before I had to start recruiting. Luckily, Stern has a ton of resources that helped me with my career development and recruiting process that made the whole process a lot easier.

Office of Career Development

The Office of Career Development is one of the first resources you’ll hear about when you start the program. They provide tools, events, and 1:1 meetings for any stage of the recruiting process. Here are some of the resources I found especially advantageous to me. 

  • Resume Reviews:  Before the program even began, we had access to a resume editing tool to help us start on our journey, followed up with some individualized feedback. This was a great starting point for me, because it got me into the mindset of what gaps I had in my resume that I wanted to fill throughout the year. Through the rest of the year, I scheduled appointments with the Careers Team team to continue editing my resume as I added more experiences. 
  • Recruiting Events/ Presentations: The Careers Team hosts several company recruiting presentations throughout the year. I signed up for the companies I was interested in applying to and it was a great way to hear more about the roles and find out about the recruiting process. My favorite event was the Tech Alumni Mock Interview where I got practice on how to interview for a technical product management position and got to network with  alumni. 
  • IGNITE: Over the summer, there are a few mandatory IGNITE sessions that help with general career development like working on your pitch, resume writing, and how to create a target list of companies. This really helped me get the ball rolling over the summer and I continue to utilize the provided workbook today.
  • 1:1 Appointments: This was the most valuable resource for me! I frequently scheduled 1:1 appointments with the Careers team to discuss more on my strategy and any questions I had about recruiting. The Careers Team even offers mock interviews that can help you practice interview questions.  I found everyone on the Careers team extremely helpful and I plan to have a few more mock interviews and offer negotiation strategy sessions before the end of the year!

Club Resources 

Outside of the social events, clubs can also help with your career development. As part of the Stern Technology Association (STA), I found their resources extremely helpful. They have consolidated resources including a handbook that has great notes on the types of interview questions, what to expect when interviewing, and tips for different tech companies.

Professional Opportunities

The Tech MBA has built-in professional opportunities as part of the curriculum. Over the summer, the Tech Immersion course gave us hands-on experience working with KPMG and in the fall, I got the opportunity to work with PayPal in Tech Solutions. These professional opportunities gave me a lot to showcase on my resume and helped me tailor my resume towards my career goal in product management. These professional opportunities also give me the chance to network and work with professionals in companies that I have always wanted to work for, like PayPal. 


Networking is a big part of your life as an MBA student and for your recruiting process.  All of the resources I shared above involve networking with peers, alumni, and professionals. There are a variety of other ways that Stern helps you network. 

  • Networking events: There are a variety of networking events hosted through OCD, clubs, etc. throughout the year. These events range from alumni events to multi-school events that give you a great opportunity to meet new people.
  • Guest speakers: A majority of my classes at Stern have featured incredible guest speakers. These speakers range from experts in Blockchain, product managers at large tech companies, CEOs, founders, and more. Not only is it incredibly valuable to hear their insights and learn about their backgrounds, but you get the opportunity to connect with them and network. I have loved getting to connect with a lot of these speakers after the session!

As I continue to network and apply for jobs, I utilize these career resources frequently. These are just some of the career resources that I have utilized throughout this year as I recruit for a full-time job, and I know they will be immensely helpful for you if you end up at Stern!

West Coast Immersion 2023

Divya Mehta is a current Tech MBA student at Stern. Within Stern, she is part of the Graduate Marketing Association and Business Analytics Club boards. Before starting her MBA, Divya has held various supply chain roles at Johnson & Johnson, Colgate-Palmolive, and Intel Corporation. She studied Industrial Engineering at Penn State University with minors in Product and Entrepreneurship. Post-MBA she is interested in pivoting from a cost-savings role to a revenue-generation role at a B2B company. 


Welcome to the Journey! 

One of the standout features of NYU’s Tech MBA is its embedded West Coast Immersion Course during our winter break.  The West Coast immersion is an integral part of our curriculum, as it gives us exposure to a wide range of companies and opportunities beyond the NYC ecosystem. My name is Divya, and I’m here to bring you along on my personal recap of the West Coast Immersion trip! 


Students had the option to visit either Seattle, WA or Los Angeles, CA before meeting up in San Francisco.

As part of the West Coast Immersion Coast, we were able to lottery for our choice of either Los Angeles or Seattle; I chose Seattle  so that I could  tack on a week in Portland, OR prior! At the end of the trip, 16 of us traveled to Steamboat, CO to join Stern Adventure club on their annual ski trip. This led to a total of 4 weeks of travel for me! 

My luggage for 4 weeks of travel was #Worththeweight

As the official start date of the trip neared, I couldn’t help but feel the adrenaline rush as my classmates began to share their travel to Seattle from all parts of the world. 


Shortly after our group touched down in Seattle, we met up at Flatstick Brewing for some beer and bites. There were so many fun memories but in the interest of keeping this short, I’m sharing my top 5 highlights, in chronological order, from each leg of the immersion trip!

Seattle Highlights: 

  1. Microsoft
  2. Amazon 
  3. Class-bonding
  4. T-Mobile 
  5. Starbucks

1. At Microsoft we had the pleasure of hearing from Jeff Teper, President of Microsoft Collaborative Apps, and a thought leader in the product space. I loved hearing his insights and experiences around disruption, culture, and customer empathy at a large enterprise company. I was also particularly fascinated by the Industrial Metaverse portion covered by Lili Cheng, given my background in Supply Chain.

Group shot from our first company visit!

2. At Amazon we learned the importance of Customer Obsession, Collaboration, and what makes an MLP or “Most Lovable Product!” We were treated to a delicious breakfast and lunch with an exclusive tour of the Amazon Spheres in between. 

An Amazonian welcome and tour of the Spheres

3. The small but meaningful class-bonding moments with Professor Vasant Dhar – I loved being in a remote classroom together, having a whole charter bus to ourselves, and taking in the beautiful Mt. Rainier views! 


4. T-Mobile was perhaps my biggest surprise. We had a blast learning about their 5G portfolio through interactive demonstrations. Salim Koudri, Senior Vice President of Technology,  gave  an incredible talk on the wireless value chain, the future of 5G, and some fascinating business solutions. We learned about concepts such as “latency” through VR, and then ended our day at the employee lounge for a cocktail reception with pool, shuffleboard, and networking with senior team members. 

Classmates learning the challenges of “latency” through VR games

5. Similar to T-Mobile, another company visit that surprised me was Starbucks. As someone who comes from a background in supply chain, I had always known of Starbucks as a “supply chain” company. As an Industrial Engineer, I really “nerded out” on the fact that they have an entire center dedicated to optimizing the barista experience. It turns out product design plays a huge role in speed and ergonomics. 

After a hectic schedule in Seattle, we packed up our suitcases and made our way to San Francisco to meet up with the other half of our cohort! 

Excited to meet up with the rest of our classmates in the Bay Area

San Francisco Highlights: 

  1. Weekend 1
  2. Palantir
  3. Nvidia
  4. Calm CEO
  5. Google

1. Weekend 1 in the Bay consisted of reuniting with the second half of our cohort (after 4+ weeks of winter break), exploring the city, meeting some admitted students for brunch, and of course, a cohort trip to Napa Valley! This was our first chance to breathe after a hectic first week in Seattle. 


2. At Palantir, we got the true Silicon Valley start-up experience as we challenged each other to ping pong and foosball games while our speakers set up.

Classmates enjoying a good post-lunch stretch at Palantir

3. One common theme that has been stressed throughout our program is the importance of coffee chats. Because of the networking and coffee chats I’d arranged, two of my classmates and I were fortunate enough to be invited to a personal tour of Google’s new campus where we rode bikes, grabbed a delicious Mediterranean meal,  made our own ice cream sundaes, and chatted about the variety of opportunities at Google and beyond. 

Posing in front of the new Bay View building in Mountain View

4. Nvidia was incredible. Unfortunately we weren’t allowed to take pictures inside but their building looked like it was straight out of a futuristic movie. Their demonstration of generative AI showed the power of simulations in driver safety, and digital twins in manufacturing plants. 

5. An amazing way to end our week was to have an intimate conversation with the CEO of Calm, David Ko. One of my favorite quotes from the NYU Alum was “It’s not how you lead going up, it’s how you lead when things are going down.” This was especially important to hear while the Tech industry was facing economic headwinds because it taught us the importance of resilience. 

Our classroom views were absolutely gorgeous on our last day

In conclusion, the West Coast Immersion trip was an incredible opportunity for the NYU Tech MBA cohort to broaden our horizons beyond the NYC ecosystem and gain insights from a diverse range of companies and industry leaders. From Microsoft to Amazon, T-Mobile, and Starbucks in Seattle, to Palantir, Nvidia, Calm, and Google in the bay area (and this isn’t even all of the companies we visited!), we had the chance to learn about disruptive technologies, customer obsession, product design, 5G, and AI. The trip also provided us with invaluable opportunities for class-bonding and networking with senior faculty. Overall, the West Coast Immersion was an unforgettable experience that allowed us to deepen our understanding of the tech industry and prepare us for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

A Day in the Life of a Tech MBA

Bárbara Argeri is a current Tech MBA student, specializing in Tech Product Management. Prior to Stern, Bárbara worked as a Product Strategy Manager at Mercado Libre in Brazil. Post-MBA, she plans to work as a Tech Product Manager. At Stern, she is involved in several student associations such as Stern Technology Association, Stern Women in Business, and Latin American Business Association. During her free time, she enjoys strolling around New York searching for new places, and spending time with her friends.

When I was learning more about different MBA programs, the content I liked the most was about the day in the life of an MBA student, since they provided me with a real sense of what life would be like. Because of this, I didn’t think twice when I was given the opportunity to write this blog!

7:30am: I wake up early for my classes. Since I live on the Upper East Side, I take a while longer to get to campus. I prepare some coffee, get something to eat, and head to the Q subway station on 72nd street. It is a 20-minute ride and I try to keep up with some of my favorite podcasts along the way.

8:45am: I arrive at Union Square. Although I could transfer to the R or W to arrive near Stern, I prefer to leave at Union Square and walk for 10 minutes to campus since the weather is nice. I pass by Washington Square Park and have one of those funny moments when I realize “Oh my God! I live in New York now.” I arrive just in time for my “Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies” class.

11:50am: Cryptocurrencies class was great. We talked about the regulations of crypto markets and possible impacts for the future. We had a speaker from one of the world’s biggest cryptocurrencies exchange platforms. It’s incredible to hear the perspective of someone who’s so actively inserted in the business.

12:00pm: Recruiting time! We have a corporate presentation of one of the companies I am most interested in working with. Time to better understand their culture, ask questions, and network with their employees. It’s so helpful to get to meet the recruiters in person and build relationships with them. And that’s much easier when they’re a few subway stops away. This allows me to meet so many different companies – and also visit their offices some times.

01:00pm: Time to grab a snack before meeting with one of my project groups. For this project, we are working as consultants for a color- analytics startup, which is very disrupting. We are helping them develop the wireframes of an app they are planning to launch. The pages are almost ready to be submitted to user testing. We’re excited to be working closely with the client on something that they are actually launching soon! This course is also a great opportunity to strengthen my Product Management skills since that’s the career I want to pursue after graduation.

03:00pm: Time to work on some homework and readings. As we approach the end of the semester, we have quite a few papers due. I like to go to the “Grad Lounge” for that, since my classmates usually hang out there, and you also get to meet different people. This time, one of the students associations left candy to support students during finals week. That has definitely given us a mood boost!

05:00pm: Done with the duties. Time to grab a coffee and something to eat and meet up with some friends that are around campus to chat and relax for a bit. We are discussing what the plans for this weekend we’ll be. A pot luck dinner maybe!?

06:00pm: Last stretch of the day – “Data Science for Business” class. Today, we learned about language models that are developed to identify and filter possible spam emails. It’s so interesting to learn about the methodology and discuss possible variables and impacts. This class is great to help you understand data mining concepts and prepare you to speak with data scientists.

09:00pm: Class is over! Time to meet with my husband and grab something to eat around campus before heading home. What a long day. Nothing better than watching an episode of my favorite series and going to bed.

Benefits of a Tech MBA in NYC

Aafiya Jamal is currently an MBA Candidate in the Tech MBA Program at the NYU Stern School of Business. She recently moved to New York City from Dallas, Texas. Prior to Stern, Aafiya worked in technology consulting and supported clients in the financial services space, from traditional, global banking institutions to FinTech companies. Outside of the classroom, Aafiya serves as one of the Cohort Leaders for the Tech MBA and is involved in the Stern Technology Association and Stern Women in Business. 

As you explore your business school options, you may find yourself wondering whether New York City is the right place for you – especially if you’re very interested in pursuing a career in technology and torn between Stern and options on the West Coast. Trust me, I’ve been in your exact shoes and can tell you what drew me to NYC:

Breadth of Professional Opportunities

  • New York City offers a broader range of professional opportunities, which holds especially true for tech. Companies in any industry or domain, from financial services to fashion, require technically fluent individuals; what differentiates New York City over the West Coast is the pure breath and scale of these opportunities. Given that a majority of firms are either based in or have a major presence in New York City, this lends itself to even more opportunities at your disposal – far more than the West Coast can offer. For example, I had the opportunity this semester to engage in a client project as part of the Tech Solutions course, where I partnered with Roku to build a solution to better leverage product analytics data to support the company’s ad-tech strategy. Roku sits at the intersection of media and entertainment and technology, while the project gave me exposure to the advertising and product management domains – an opportunity I would not have had without Stern. 
Stern not only offered us the opportunity to work alongside Roku this semester, but also spend time with our project sponsor, in-person, in the New York City office!

Overlap of Existing Network

  • There is no doubt that Stern’s brand is very strong; however, there is a certain degree of comfort associated with reaching out to a familiar professional connection rather than a pure cold call (which can feel transactional in nature). Prior to Stern, I worked in consulting, and New York City is where my prior employer is based. As a result, I have a number of professional mentors and connections within the city, which enables me to keep up with trends in the workforce and broader market. These existing relationships, coupled with my Stern MBA, open doors to additional professional connections and employment opportunities in technology. It is likely that you, too, have personal and professional connections in the city, and I highly recommend that you capitalize on this.

Culture of New York City

  • Finally, New York City is unlike any other place in the world. As cliché as this sounds, I have never been around such ambitious, gifted, and hard-working people – both at Stern, as well as in the broader city. Engaging in this kind of environment pushes me to hustle and expand outside of my comfort zone in a way that no other business school could have. New York is arguably the most exciting place to live, and I’ve tried to make the most of my time here, from exploring incredible and diverse cuisine, to picnicking in Central Park, to attending sports games to celebrating the holiday season – all with my cohort. While one year is certainly a decent amount of time to experience the city, I hope that your chapter here extends beyond the length of the program. 

    Despite the busy schedule of the summer semester, we always made time to picnic throughout various parks in New York City! Central Park is cliche, but certainly a personal favorite!
Celebrating Friendsgiving with the cohort was definitely one of the highlights of my holiday season.