Do You Need a Fashion Background for NYU Stern’s Luxury & Retail MBA?

Author: Amy Vasunia graduated in May 2024 from the Luxury & Retail MBA program at NYU Stern School of Business. During her MBA, she specialized in Strategy & Management of Technology and Operations. Amy was actively involved in the Luxury Retail Club as a board member and also serves as a Graduate Ambassador for the program.

Amy Vasunia headshot

As a Graduate Ambassador for NYU Stern’s Luxury & Retail MBA, one of the most frequently asked questions I receive is, “Do I need to have a background in fashion to join the program?” The answer is no! One of the standout features of this program is the diversity of our student body. Our class consists of individuals from various industries, such as construction, finance, consulting, and even the art world!

This wide range of experiences enriches our discussions and brings unique perspectives to the classroom. Our shared goal unites us—pursuing an MBA to advance our careers and expand our horizons. This program provides a supportive environment for career pivoting, allowing us to leverage our diverse backgrounds and achieve our professional goals.

A classmate, whose background before Stern was in construction, shared “I came to NYU’s Luxury & Retail program to pivot from the construction industry. I worked in that industry for almost 8 years and actually pursued a Master’s in it right after my undergraduate degree. I always found myself hesitating on whether the industry culture and the lifestyle were for me, despite loving being able to drive projects and affecting the end users’ lives from creating state of the art offices to infrastructure. I also wanted to change tracks from Project Management to Business Development and Strategy, further fueling my desire for an MBA. Reaching the crossroad where pivoting careers would be almost impossible, I decided to take a leap and follow my passions for fashion and luxury landing me in this unique MBA experience and amazing NYU community. Once I graduate, I will get to use my newly acquired knowledge and work in Management Consulting, which is very exciting and just the beginning of my pivot.”

Another classmate, whose background was in finance, says her reason for pursuing the Luxury & Retail MBA was: “I worked in the financial industry for 5 years, and this MBA was the perfect opportunity to pivot my career and learn about what I love. The Luxury & Retail MBA is perfect because different voices from various backgrounds come together to learn.”

The Luxury & Retail MBA at NYU Stern not only provides a comprehensive curriculum but also offers a wide range of networking opportunities. Students benefit from the expertise of industry professionals and gain access to exclusive events and guest lectures. These connections can prove invaluable in navigating the competitive industry and establishing long-lasting professional relationships.

Moreover, the program fosters a collaborative environment that encourages students to learn from one another. This synergy creates a space where innovative ideas and creative solutions can flourish. Through group projects and class discussions, students can tap into the knowledge and experiences of their peers, forming meaningful connections that extend beyond graduation. Ultimately, the program equips us with the skills and network needed to excel in the dynamic world of luxury and retail.