What I Wish I Had Known

Cecilia is a former  Fashion & Luxury MBA student, specializing in Brand Management. Prior to Stern, Cecilia worked at Wayfair as a Merchant, curating top tier products for Wayfair’s exclusive brands. Post-MBA, he/she plans to start at H&M in the Leadership Rotational Program. At Stern, she is involved in the Luxury and Retail club and enjoys cooking and traveling in her free time.

When I considered applying to Stern for the Fashion and Luxury MBA, I had done extensive research about the program, but even then, there were still things I did not know until after I started the program. After graduating and having time to reflect on my time at Stern, these are three major things that I wish I had known before going into the program, and I believe every future applicant should keep in mind before starting.

It’s Not One Size Fits All

First, I wish I understood that there was no “right” time to attend the program. When applying, I was extremely concerned about my 2 years of experience, and if that would be enough to make me a competitive applicant. After attending the program, and meeting all of my wonderful classmates and various members of the incoming class of 2024, I have come to learn that there is no one size fits all timeline for this program. The program gives you the opportunity to make the most of it, regardless of the position you are in professionally. Furthermore, every student, regardless of their professional experiences, brings in a strong perspective, and contributes to the class as a whole in different ways. This was a huge concern for me prior to applying to the program, and I wish I spent less time stressing about this particular detail. 

Jump Right In

The second thing that took me by surprise was how quickly the program ramps up, specifically within the summer. Since I had to relocate for the program, I had to find housing in NYC. When the program started, I was still solidifying my housing in NYC, living with my family just outside of the city for the first weeks of the MBA. I had originally anticipated that the program would start slowly, similar to how my college courses had progressed. Instead, the program ramps up pretty quickly, throwing you right into the action. It is an extremely exciting time, but also an extremely busy time in your life, and I wish I had recognized just how busy I was going to be in those first few months, and how important it was to get situated prior to the start of the program.

Relationships are Key

Finally, I wish I did not overcommit myself for the first few months of the program. I had previous plans already set up in regards to trips with friends, and events, which left little time for the various activities and events that program and the Stern community had to offer. I ended up juggling different events, and constantly feeling like I needed to choose between something I had previously committed to, and an event with new friends and classmates that was coming up. For incoming students, I suggest intentionally leaving time on your calendar free to continue to build relationships within the Stern community, and take advantage of all the opportunities and events that the Stern community has to offer. 

Overall, my experience at Stern was overwhelmingly positive, and while there are always challenges that accompany any situation, I am beyond thankful for my time at Stern, and all the positive memories I was able to make. While making decisions like going back to school can be daunting, speaking to current students and learning about their journeys is one of the best ways in which I was able to make my decision, and I hope that my experience can help prepare you for what is to come, wherever you are in your application journey.